Buying/Selling Memberships
Membership Transfer

Interested in becoming a Member of HWRC?   

Per Bylaws, the total number of club memberships is limited.  When you purchase a membership, it’s a one-time purchase that allows you to join the club and gives you voting rights. Members enjoy use of the pool, tennis courts & Clubhouse, and receive priority rates and registration for swim lessons, tennis lessons, and the HWRC Swim Team.  The membership remains yours until you sell it. Members also pay annual dues.

Annual Dues for 2024:

  • $375 for memberships with 2 Workjob Credits
  • $455 for memberships with 1 Workjob Credit
  • $525 for memberships with no Workjob Credits

Click here if you’re interested in taking a tour of the HWRC facilities.

If you have any questions, please contact the Membership Coordinator at

How to Buy A Membership


Priority is given to those living inside the HWRC Boundary, but anyone can join.

Interactive Boundary Map — Click here

You have the following options to join HWRC:

  • Purchase from a current member who’s selling – The sale price is negotiated directly between you and the seller. Click here for contact information of members who are interested in selling their memberships.
  • Purchase from the HWRC BoardWe currently have a limited number of memberships for sale directly from the HWRC Board.  Contact the Membership Coordinator for more information if you’re interested in this option.
  • Join the wait-listWe maintain a wait-list of people interested in membership and provide contact information for members interested in selling their membership. Click the “Waitlist Fee” tile at the bottom of this page to join this waitlist.

The Board suggests interested buyers check back frequently and take the initiative to contact members who are interested in selling their HWRC membership. 

How to Sell Your Membership 

If you are a current member in good standing, you may sell your membership to a qualified purchaser. The buyer must live inside the HWRC boundaries. The Board suggests that all sellers consult the wait list for potential buyers as these people have often been waiting for a membership for a long time. However, sellers can sell their membership to whomever they choose (as long as they are residents within Club boundaries).

Use the link at the bottom of the page to access a list of interested buyers. This is a members-only document. You will need to sign in to view.

How do you transfer your membership?

After both parties have agreed on the conditions for the sale of an HWRC membership, you should complete the transfer of membership form. It is available here. You can also find it under Member Documents on the Member Dashboard. 

All deadlines for payment of annual membership dues apply to memberships that are transferred. If membership dues are not paid by June 1, the late fee of $50 will be applied to the membership dues even if the membership is transferred to a new member.  If applicable, workjob credits from the previous season will transfer with the membership. 

If members do not pay their annual membership dues by July 1, their membership is terminated and the membership can be sold by the HWRC Board of Directors on behalf of the Club, in accordance with the HWRC Bylaws.

Wait List Fee

Wait list fees cover time and effort to contact you and set you up for a new membership.

Price: $10.00

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Current Sellers
Sell A Membership
This is a members-only document. You will need to sign in to view.

Current Waitlist

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